Air Purifier Archives - Page 4 of 4 - AirDoctor Pro

Category Archives: Air Purifier


Contaminants in the Classroom

The back-to-school season is here. This time of year is met with a range of[...]

What is CADR?

When shopping for air purifiers, you may have come across the acronym, CADR. But what[...]

Traffic Jams and Effect on Cognitive Health

We don’t have to tell you how getting stuck in traffic can be bad for[...]

Clearing the Air: Reflecting on COVID-19, Clean Air, and Health Inequities

Ideal Living Founders Discuss Inspiration For Air Purifier & KN95 Mask Donations COVID-19 has brought[...]

4 Ways to Keep Your Home Cold & Flu Free

There are countless ways to catch a cold while out and about. Shaking hands with[...]

Creating the Ultimate Self Care Sunday Sanctuary

Wouldn’t it be great if Self Care Sunday was a guaranteed weekly event where sheet[...]